
Liverpool vs San gieros starting: Salah starts first, Ruota and Nunez play, maca substitute

Live Bar, October 6-03:00 The second round of Group E of the European Union Cup group match, Liverpool’s home game against San Giros. Before the game, the official announcement of the first list. In Liverpool, Salah, Ruota and Nunez started first, and McAllister stood by as a substitute. On the side of San girose, McAllister’s brother Kevin McAllister started the battle.

Liverpool debut: 1-Alison, 66-Arnold, 5-conat, 78-broad SA, 21-zimicas, 3-Endo, 38-herafenbach, 19-Elliott, 20-Ruota, 11-Salah, 9-Nunez

Liverpool substitutes: 56-Yaros, 93-morozek, 2-Joe Gomes, 4-van Dick, 26-Robertson, 32-mattep, 44-Luke Chambers, 50-Ben-Doc, 8-sobosloy, 10-McAllister, 17-Curtis-Jones, 7-Louis-Dias

St. Gilros starts: 49-Anthony Morris, 21-Castro-MONTES, 5-Kevin-McAllister, 16-Burgess, 28-macho Tian, 17-Terho, 8-Armani, 24-fan Huo TE, 23-pultas, 29-Gustav-Nelson, 47-Amora

Substitute for San gieros: 14-inbreheitz, 34-Winsons, 4-Rasmussen, 9-Eckert, 10-Rapson, 11-Turk automobiles curtain, 13-Kevin-Rodriguez, 26-Sikes, 27-sadiski, 35-hehfuld, 48-Leeson

In the first round of the European Union, Liverpool 3-1 reversed Linz and St Giros 1-1 Toulouse.

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