
McAllister: I enjoyed the competition with my brother and family. My father probably cried today.

Live Bar, October 6th-Liverpool beat Belgium’s San Giros United 2-0 in the second home court of the European Union Cup group match. After the game, Liverpool midfield McAllister was interviewed together with his brother, Kevin McAllister, a United player of San gilros.

McAllister: “This is really great. Of course, it is also a very exciting thing for my family. I have fought with my eldest brother before, but I have never played directly with Kevin on the court, so this is very special for my family. My father is at the scene today, but I believe everyone in our family is watching TV, which is very special. My father also played football at that time. He knew what it meant to play against brothers because my uncle also played football. I guess he should cry today. Yes, we will exchange jerseys. I don’t know if he wants the jerseys of other players, but we will definitely exchange jerseys.”

Kevin McAllister: “For my family and my team, this game is amazing. It’s great for us to be here. We want to win here today, which is very difficult. Liverpool is an excellent team. I try to enjoy the competition. My family are here. This is an important moment.

Myka is the reason why I suffer today, but this is a very special moment. Of course, Liverpool will come to Belgium for the last match. This may be our chance to revenge, but today I only want to enjoy this game with my brother and my family, which is the most wonderful part of the game.”

(Lin Yuan)

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