
Kuosa data: 121 times of touching the ball and 111 times of passing, only 1 foul in the whole game

Live Bar, October 6 -liverpool defender general broad sa started in Liverpool’s 2-0 Champions League match against San Gilos.

Kuosa’s game data: he kicked the whole game, contributed 2 times of relief, 4 times of interception and 1 time of snatching, and tried 3 times of ground confrontation successfully and 2 times, five attempts of air confrontation succeeded twice, lost 12 ball rights, and only fouled once in the game.

In the whole game, kuosa touched the ball 121 times, passed 111 times successfully 100 times, had one key pass, and tried as many as 10 long passes, successfully sent to the feet of his teammates 4 times, I also tried once and succeeded.

(Rock sugar stew pear)

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